Why is it news?

One of the more visible news stories this morning is that actress Ellen Page has come out as a lesbian.

The comments were, in general, variations on ‘why is this news’, either included with homophobic and bigoted comments, or making it clear that they were in agreement with such comments.

To be fair, there were a few people who, while not necessarily agreeing with the bigots, still wondered why it was news.

The answer, ladies and gentlemen, is the bigots.

It shouldn’t be any more newsworthy than a straight actor dating girls. That is to say, it should have no bearing anywhere except the gossip columns.

But it is newsworthy, because there are still so many people for whom the very existence of GLBT individuals seems to be viewed as a personal affront, best handled by bullying comments or violence.

With such people still being a fairly large minority, it still takes courage for anyone to stand up and identify themselves as GLBT.

On the day when that courage is no longer required, then we can in honesty ask if such a story is news. Until then, we should applaud the courage that makes a person stand up and identify themselves, knowing that they are inviting, at the least, bullying.

Now, I’m sure some will say that celebrities don’t need to worry about that. To those people, I offer reminders of all the times that celebrities, despite their bodyguards and gatekeepers, have been stalked, harassed, assaulted and killed. The danger of being physically attacked by bigots is very real, and so it takes very real courage to risk that danger.

So, if you’re one of those who asked ‘why is this news?’, think for a moment on what that individual – any individual who stands up to disclose a secret of any kind that could cause them problems – is risking. Then ask yourself if you would be willing to take a similar risk.

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