Posted tagged ‘Conspiracies’

Evolution ‘Controversies’ and other Conspiracies


In a recent story, it was indicated that roughly one-third of people in the U.S. still refuse to accept that evolution has occurred.

This is not me promoting an agenda. This is not an attack on religious people, this is simply and solely me, stating a fact.

Evolution has occurred. We have reams of evidence to support it.

Contrary to those who dislike the concept, there is no ‘controversy’. None. Any scientist who claims that there is is either operating outside of their actual specialty (most common) or is pushing an agenda.

There are many who want to claim that evolution is ‘merely a theory’. That is correct, but the issue is that these people are misusing the word. Theory does not mean ‘guess’, as they think.

We have a Theory about gravity, too.

In both these cases (and many more) Theory means that we have observed facts about a situation, and have developed an explanation based on those facts. For the explanation to be a valid theory, it must fit the observed facts – taking all observed facts into account.

This is what science does. Theories are not proposed prior to, or in the absence of facts. They are explanations of those observed facts.

Sadly, evolution is not the only area where people misunderstand how science works. There are any number of conspiracy theories out there that make the same mistakes.

Whether you’re talking about the anti-vaccination crowd, the Velikovsky-ites, or people who think that there really are aliens among us (or unknown creatures), every one of them assumes that science is some kind of monolithic establishment.

There is no ‘scientific establishment’ per se. What there is, is a bunch of scientists following a specific method of doing things. That scientific method is responsible for the theory of gravity – without which we could not have gotten a single satellite into orbit, much less landed anything on the moon or other planets.

That process is, unsurprisingly, called the scientific method. And that method is this: Make observations, create a hypothesis, test that hypothesis, repeat as necessary. (This is, obviously, paraphrased, but it’s essentially accurate.)

You take observations about what’s happening, then come up with an idea as to why it’s happening. Then you develop a way to test that idea. To be a valid test, there has to be a way for the idea to be proven wrong. Then, if it is proven wrong, you go back to the beginning, figure out what you mis-interpreted, and try again.

But that’s not the end. Once you’ve successfully tested your idea, you send it to other scientists in your field, and they test your idea. It’s not enough that you’ve managed to get it right, because you could have some agenda that drives your test, whether or not you intend it to.

So other scientists take your observations, look at your test protocols, and assuming they don’t find any issues with your test, try to replicate it. If they get the same results you did, congratulations, your idea is one step close to being a theory.

This takes time, and you have to be very clear about what you’re testing, why you’re testing it, and what you expect to see.

Science has, in the last 100 years, accepted many very odd ideas, because those ideas were based on the available observations, were testable, and passed the tests. Continental Drift is one, and the cataclysm theory of lunar formation another. Neither was widely accepted at first, but the preponderance of evidence built until it would require active denial to withhold it.

Evolution has such a preponderance of evidence. Only active denial on the part of the creationists allows them to ignore that.

Nine years on


Yesterday marked nine years since the destruction of the World Trade Center by a group of terrorists.

Some people claim that it was masterminded by our own government, which then managed to hide every trace of their actions for nine years.

Think about that, ladies and gentlemen.  The same government that can’t manage to keep classified documents out of the hands of Wikileaks, the same government that can’t hide affairs, indiscretions, drug abuse and worse, somehow manages to hide all evidence of the massive conspiracy needed to pull off 9-11.

Well, okay, it really didn’t need a massive conspiracy – but that’s the point.  Some people will claim that it was a small group inside the government, that they didn’t need all the government’s resources to do it – but those same people then state that a small group couldn’t do it.  So, which is it?  If a small group say, nineteen people, can do it, then we don’t need to posit a government conspiracy.  If only the government could pull it off, then we need to answer how it’s been kept secret.

I know I’ve spoken to this before, but the anniversary seemed a good time to revisit.  I’m not here to hash out all the ‘theories’ put forth as to how the WTC was destroyed by the government – others have done so far better than I.

My purpose in this post is just to make my readers think.  If you’re one of those who has bought into the theories, step back, look at the claims, and think. That’s all I ask of you.  Don’t give in to knee-jerk reactions that tell you government is evil and always lies.

True, politicians tend to lie as readily as we breathe, but government is more than politicians – and even politicians are human.  As such, they can surprise you.  They can have consciences, hearts, even enlightened self-interest.  In other words, as long as there are people there, someone’s going to decide to talk.  Enough of them talk, conspiracy dies.

It’s just that simple.  Think about it, folks.  Let’s not demean the deaths of the victims by muddying the waters.